Get involved
Get involved with the
Hook Norton Community Land Trust (HNCLT) Project
There are lots of opportunities to get involved with the project, and we welcome any offers of help.
If you have a particular area of interest of can give us more information about how you might like to help, please get in touch by emailing or using the Registration form below.
You can get involved in lots of ways, including :
Helping to self-finish the Community Building
Helping to cultivate the landscape and growing areas
Helping to manage/run a Community Café
Helping to manage Therapy Rooms
Helping to manage/run a Co-working Space
Helping to maintain the Communal Areas
Cleaning in the Community Building
Helping at events and public meetings – meeting and greeting/providing refreshments/ setting up & taking down equipment
Providing transport to and from events and public meetings for those unable to get there
Providing social media support